Vaults details

Project Bluwhale
Sector AI, DePIN
Asset type Node
Reward Distribution Period 4 years
Rewards Distribution Model Monthly distribution, starting after 5 months
1st year node rewards >50%
1st year rewards (incl. vesting) approximately 35%
Vault Diamond Gold Silver Bronze
Release Time and Date Tuesday, Oct 22nd, 2.00 PM CEST Tuesday, Oct 22nd, 2.30 PM CEST Tuesday, Oct 22nd, 3.00 PM CEST Tuesday, Oct 22nd, 3.30 PM CEST
Borger Camp Camp 200k and above Camp 7k to 100k inclusive Camp 500 to 2k inclusive Camp 100 and above
Node Price (USDC) $360 $370 $380 $390
*Implied FDV for Breakeven $37 million $38 million $39 million $40 million
**Implied FDV for Breakeven within 1 year $103 million $105 million $108 million $111 million
Min Investment 1 node 1 node 1 node 1 node
Max investment 25 nodes 20 nodes 10 nodes 5 nodes

*the calculation assumes 20,000 nodes sold and fully operational

**the calculation takes into account vesting period, excludes any airdrops and assumes 20,000 nodes sold and fully operational

The potential return on investment for node operators is influenced by various factors, notably the numbers of nodes that are running and sold out.