Vaults details

Project InterCellar
Sector RWA
Asset type Token
Vault Bronze Diamond Gold Silver
Release Time and Date 10th Oct 2:00PM 10th Oct 2:30PM 10th Oct 3:00PM 10th Oct 3:30PM
Borger Camp Camp 100 and above Camp 200k and above Camp 7k to 100k inclusive Camp 500 to 2k inclusive
Price (USDC) 0.0325 USDC 0.0310 USDC 0.0315 USDC 0.0320 USDC
FDV in M$ 16.25M$ 15.5M$ 15.75M$ 16M$
TGE Release 8% 8% 8% 8%
Cliff 4 months 4 months 4 months 4 months
Vesting 8 months 8 months 8 months 8 months
Min Investment 50 USDC 50 USDC 50 USDC 50 USDC
Max investment 500 USDC 5000 USDC 1000 USDC 1000 USDC