Vaults details

Project Solana ID
Sector AI Infra
Asset type Token
Vault Public Diamond + VIP Quests
Eligibility All SwissBorg users VIP: Top Solana ID Community members

Diamond: Reach camp 200K in Borger Journey | Whitelisted after passing Quests for Solana ID | | Release Time and Date | 2PM CEST, 28th of August | 3PM CEST, 28th of August | 4PM CEST, 28th of August | | Price (USDC) | 0.015 USDC | 0.015 USDC | 0.015 USDC | | Airdrop in SOLID | None | 20% of your investment | 10% of you investment | | Token Generation Event Release | 20% | 20% | 20% | | Lockup | 8 months vesting | 8 months vesting | 8 months vesting | | FDV | $15M | $15M | $15M | | Min Investment | 50 USDC | 100 USDC | 50 USDC | | Max investment | 750 USDC | 2000 USDC | 500 USDC |